The H.O.P.E. Project is a unique technical career training program designed to prepare socially and economically disadvantaged young people for rewarding careers as help desk and application support professionals. I.T. is the single biggest employer in the Washington metropolitan area. The students graduate with a toolbox of skills to successfully compete for entry level positions with starting salaries as high as $40,000 per year. The program is a 9 month investment for the participants, the class meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 6:30pm until 9:30pm. Occasionally the class meets on Saturday's from 10:00am until 4:00pm. The class uses the remaining days in the week to study and conduct research. We occasionally hold class online. In addition to several I.T. certifications the program includes corporate education courses such as time management, customer service, delivering effective presentations and project management. We include social and career coaching.
We have a few partners that allow our students to volunteer/intern to gain real-world experience. This addition to the program has helped a great deal. However, the single BIGGEST asset has been the professional development and soft skills training. Our program starts with 2 months of soft skills training and ends with another month of it.
Our graduating students have been very successful landing positions. I.T. recruiters typically contact our students after they post their resumes on, and , the DMV has a shortage of qualified entry I.T. talent.
The students attendance is very high, we have a very strict attendance policy, no more than 3 absentees per phase. (We have 3 phases) one student in this year's program had perfect attendance and one with that missed only a single day. All of our students had less than 6 total days missed. (The program is 8 months) The students have to compete for the 14 slots we offer which makes the program very unique and the students understand they have EARNED their way into this opportunity, it really helps with retention.
The H.O.P.E. Project graduates now work for companies such as HP Enterprise Services, Mindbank, Comcast, Evolver, Webster Data & Communications, Technisource, Battelle, RCG Inc. and many other corporations and government contractors. Last year's H.O.P.E. Project student of the year accepted a position with a starting salary of $34,500 per year, she was unemployed for nearly one year before enrolling in the H.O.P.E. Project program. This year's Student of the Year, Brandon Craig is currently working at Webster Data & Communication, with a starting salary of $42,000. Brandon worked as a stock clerk prior to enrolling in the program.
We recently formed a partnership with Competitive Innovations ( a HUB Zone company in Virginia, as a HUB zone company Competitive Innovations, has a very hard time finding qualified HUB Zone talent, like most technology HUB Zone companies very few residents with the skills we teach live in HUB Zones.
The program is a bright light in the community and the light is getting brighter, the students have nicknamed the program the "Harvard of the Hood".
The H.O.P.E. Project is a 100% volunteer effort. Our goal was to prove that socially and economically disadvantaged young people can have the American Dream they see advertised on TV, they are just 8 months away from it, when they become a HOPE Project Graduate.
Here are some photos from our Tuesday night Info Session and Town Hall on Jobs. 118 people applied for just 5 slots, the town hall attracted an additional 60 people. Council member Michael Brown participated in the Town Hall.
See the pictures
Short clip of Kendra Smith a 2011 HOPE Graduate now working at Comcast, she has great benefits package at Comcast and FREE cable. Please listen to her confidence as she speaks, there were 75 people at this info session held at the 7D police station. She did not speak with the confidence when she enrolled. This is the best marketing in the world for a career training program a successful student.
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