Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why I'm so committed to the HOPE Project

My 9th grade teacher got me an application for St. Albans when I arrived to take the test I was the ONLY minority, the other kids were from very good VA and MD public schools. My entire neighborhood knew I was going to take the test, I felt like I had the entire community on my back, my job was to show those kids we were just as smart as they are. My mom and I caught 3 buses from Butler Gardens to get there. I FAILED MISERABLY. I was so upset she let us catch a cab home. Everyone was sitting on the front of my building waiting for me to share the great news. When I returned to school I asked my teacher why she would set me up because I was not prepared to compete against them. HER RESPONSE WAS THAT I WANTED YOU TO SEE WHAT YOUR COMPETITION LOOKS LIKE, AND THAT SHE COULD NOT TEACH ME EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW IN HER CLASS SO I NEEDED TO STOP EVALUATING MYSELF BY THE PEOPLE IN HER CLASS BUT MY COMPETITION WAS THE KIDS I SAW AT ST. ALBANS. It changed my life. Thank you Ms. Lowery. I hope you get the message here